Balloholics---Victory Sports Camps

  • basketball
#208- 5250 Victory Street Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5H2
9-18 yrs old

School Description

Victory Sports Camps is a non profit organization teaching kids to set goals and the life lessons embedded in sports. We receive no government funding and the program is completely self sufficient. It has continued to grow because of the quality of the program and word of mouth from our parents and students. Why do we exist? Some of the challenges kids face such as lack of family support, inability to participate in youth sports, gaps in the public school curriculum and lack of mentors can be a real hindrance while growing up. Sports is the salvation of many. Fortunately embedded in sport are the secrets to success. What is success? How is it achieved? Are successful people just lucky? After navigating growing up via the ‘school of hard knocks ‘, some simple lessons along the way would have been helpful; better known as ‘life lessons’. These very lessons are embedded in sports. Our program by design helps teach our students those lessons. Goal setting , perseverance , self esteem , creativity , risk taking, leadership and independence. No goal can be achieved without a STRONG believe system. Poor coaching in youth sports is notorious for damaging the belief system of children. We have a program we believe fosters the belief system of our kids regardless of if they ever become basketball players. They become better people. In 2006 Victory Sports Camps was born with the idea creating an environment where a well rounded whole child approach to building confidence and self esteem as the backbone of our program. We believe in accepting kids into our program regardless of their situation and provide sport participation to help at risk youth among others navigate their formative years. Its obvious that today with the many options available to children today who seem in a race to act as grown ups; they have questions that still need to be answered , mentoring is still very important and sport is the best teacher of all. Kids need questions answered by people who care. After years of proving ourselves as a basketball program we finally completed our dream of adding the classes we will offer called ‘Off the Ball’. These tools or talks will cover the whole child experience we hope to build for those in our program and reach out to those not in our program with our Ambassador program. Its with great pride we now see some of our very first students coaching in our classes and volunteering at our summer camps and other classes. Truly a blessing that keeps us going forward. Our goal is to make a difference in one life and bring value to our community. We aspire to be more than a basketball program and we work very hard at it. VSC

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