Seattle Aikikai - Kids summer camp

Seattle Aikikai
  • Summer
  • Sport
  • No Flight No Accomodation
  • Mixed with Local Students

About the Host

Seattle Aikikai is dedicated to facilitating personal mastery through the practice of the martial art of Aikido. Our goal is to preserve the history and the spirit of the art, and to refine our practice of it to ensure that aikido is personally relevant to our membership. We strive to provide world-class training opportunities, and to challenge and support our members. Our dojo is a member of the United States Aikido Federation, and is recognized by Aikikai Hombu Dojo. We have been part of the Seattle community since 1997. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

Class Detail

By practicing Aikido, children acquire important life skills, as well as physical fitness and coordination. They learn the value of focus, teamwork, and discipline – not as abstract concepts, but through hands-on experience. Our children’s program is designed for kids 6 to 13 years old. Teens are welcome to join our adult classes.


This is a full-day camp (Monday-Friday, 10am to 3pm) of aikido, sword work and fun Japanese cultural activities. It is suitable for all levels; no previous experience in aikido is necessary. 


Online Application Due May 1st.



Seattle Aikikai - Kids summer camp

USD $356.2 9.6 (Tax: )

Trip Length:
{"id":187,"amount":0,"max_per_order":10,"auto_wait_list":1,"booking_start_at":"2019-02-12T18:05:13Z","booking_end_at":"2019-05-01T18:05:16Z","start_date":"2019-06-24","end_date":"2019-06-28","payment_type":0,"price":356.2,"currency":"USD","tax_percent":9.6,"program":34,"title":"Kids summer camp","slot_left":null,"max_this_order":10,"register_expiry":2,"program_type":0}
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